italy debt collection success stories

Navigating Debt Collection: Italy Success Stories

ebt collection is always a daunting task, especially when dealing with debtors in a foreign country. Luckily, you’ve discovered Expert Planet, where a vast network of international collection professionals stands ready to assist you. With our experts by your side, your chances of success are greatly enhanced. Explore real cases below, showcasing how our experts have helped users successfully retrieve their payments in Italy.

Case 1

Debt Amount: 10,676.73USD
Age: 3 years

Marco contributed the first successful collection case for Italy on Expert Planet. Marco’s exceptional professionalism and sense of duty were pivotal in the successful resolution of the collection case.

One of the key factors of his success is his great sense of responsibility. He meticulously handled the case, promptly addressing the creditor’s inquiries and consistently engaging with the debtor. During the collection process, since the debtor kept refusing to repay, the creditor considered initiating legal action. However, Marco tried his best to continue to negotiate with the debtor and finally reached a repayment agreement in the extrajudicial stage. Thanks to Marco and his team’s efforts, the debt was successfully recovered and the creditor received the payment in August 2022.

Case 2

Debt Amount: 40,388.25 USD
Age: 4 months

In this case, after an initial payment, the Italian debtor refused to settle the remaining balance and inspection fees with the creditor without providing any valid reason. Despite the creditor’s efforts to prompt payment, the debtor remained unresponsive. Feeling discouraged, the creditor sought assistance from Marco Basile, an Italian debt collection expert at Expert Planet.

Upon reviewing the case, Mr. Basile promptly initiated the legal process, sending two official demand letters in accordance with Italian law. Despite this, the debtor remained unresponsive. Faced with continued resistance, Mr. Basile decided to pursue legal action. Just before commencing proceedings, the debtor’s lawyer offered to pay only inspection fees, citing defects in the goods. To avoid potential legal action and court failure due to evidence of defects, Mr. Basile persuaded the creditor to accept this offer. The creditor, considering the pros and cons, agreed to collect only the inspection fees. Once this agreement was reached, the debtor promptly repaid the full owed amount.

Case 3

Debt Amount: 38,216.61 USD
Age: 2 years

This case involves the collection of a balance payment that was originally due in January 2020. Despite repeated attempts to contact the debtor, no payment was received, and the debtor refused to engage in communication.

The creditor then turned to Expert Planet and contacted Marco to assist with the debt collection. Marco handled the situation with great care and responsibility, promptly responding to all of the creditor’s inquiries. In light of the debtor’s constant refusal to repay, the creditor considered initiating legal action. However, Marco made every effort to negotiate with the debtor and ultimately reached an agreement on repayment during the extrajudicial stage. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Marco and his team, the debt was successfully recovered.

Case 4

Debt Amount: 136,000 USD
Age: 4 months

This case belongs to our debt collection entrustment services for a debt amounting to USD 136K. The creditor, seeking a resolution, entrusted Expert Planet to negotiate with the debtor. The creditor’s initial request was to secure 50% of the debt upfront, with the remainder to be paid through monthly installments.

Marco from Expert Planet promptly sent a payment demand letter to the debtor upon receiving the case. The debtor responded with a proposal to repay $110K in installments of $11K per month, citing defective goods and a bad economic situation. The creditor found this proposal unacceptable since the debtor didn’t notify them of defective goods upon receipt and provided no evidence for the claim.

The creditor Insisted on a proposal covering the full debt of $136K and a more reasonable installment plan, Marco’s team engaged in negotiations with the debtor once again. Despite the team’s efforts, the debtor’s second proposal still fell short, offering a full debt payment of $136K but with an initial installment of $15K.

Acknowledging Marco’s efforts, here we must speak highly of our customer service personnel, Miss Kelly Song. She kept both sides in good communication during the whole process. Kelly asked the Expert to stand firm with the creditor’s requirements and push the debtor to improve their proposal.

Marco negotiated with the debtor again. Consequently, the creditor agreed to make some concessions, allowing the first repayment should be more than $15K but not necessarily 50%. After intense negotiations, Marco successfully persuaded the debtor to increase the first two installments to $20.5K each.

Thanks to the combined efforts of Expert Marco and our dedicated service representative, Miss Kelly, the creditor eventually accepted the third repayment proposal. The creditor has received six installments by now.

Debt Amount: 10,650 EUR
Age: 5 months

The creditor shipped the cargo according to the contract with the debtor, with the payment due date set for November 2022. However, despite multiple confirmations from the debtor’s boss that the payment would be made soon, the debtor’s company consistently delayed the payment. As of the end of April 2023, the debt remained unpaid.

Consequently, the creditor sought the assistance of Flavio Primiceri, an Italian expert in debt collection on Expert Planet. As soon as Mr. Flavio took charge of the case, he wasted no time in taking action. Although he received no response after sending multiple solicitations to the debtor, he persisted in pressuring them while keeping the creditor informed of the progress. Fortunately, within just 15 days, the debtor finally agreed to pay the debt. The creditor greatly appreciated Mr. Flavio’s efficient work.

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