Turkey debt collection success stories

Navigating Debt Collection: Turkey Success Stories

Debt collection is always a daunting task, especially when dealing with debtors in a foreign country. Luckily, you’ve discovered Expert Planet, where a vast network of international collection professionals stands ready to assist you. With our experts by your side, your chances of success are greatly enhanced. Explore real cases below, showcasing how our experts have helped users successfully retrieve their payments in Turkey.

Case 1 Recovering a 3-year debt in just one month!

Debt Amount: 140,660.60 USD
Age: 3 years 3 months

In this case, the creditor initially agreed to a one-year repayment plan due to their long cooperation with the debtor. However, despite the creditor’s persistent reminders, four years had passed, and the debtor showed no intention of fulfilling their payment obligation. Feeling a sense of despair, the creditor turned to Ibrahim on Expert Planet for a final attempt at resolving the situation.

Ibrahim admitted that the debt collection was challenging, but he promised his team could handle getting the debtor to pay soon. After conducting a thorough research on the debtor’s background, Ibrahim’s team initiated discussions with the debtor’s finance personnel who proved to be difficult to negotiate with. After many hours of negotiations, the debtor finally agreed to a monthly payment of $5,000, which would take over two years to settle the debt. This was unacceptable to Ibrahim and his team.

Determined to find a better solution, Ibrahim decided to directly communicate with the debtor’s CEO. After meeting face-to-face, Ibrahim and the CEO reached a compromise. They agreed on a monthly payment between 12K-15K USD. Thanks to the relentless efforts of Ibrahim’s team, the creditor received the first installment payment successfully after just one month of working with Ibrahim. And until February 2024, the ninth installment payment has been received by the creditor on time.

Case 2 Successful collection in only 9 days!

Debt Amount: 13,046 USD
Age: 1 month

Upon the arrival of goods at the Istanbul port, the debtor vanished without a trace. Despite attempts to reach them via email, WeChat, and telephone, there was no response. Faced with this situation, the creditor sought the assistance of Ibrahim for debt collection.

The debtor proved to be very crafty, intentionally using tactics to delay payment. To resolve the situation, a lawyer from Ibrahim’s team personally visited the debtor for a face-to-face negotiation. With the lawyer’s firm approach, the debtor agreed to make the balance payment. Remarkably, within just 9 days from the initial contract with the creditor, Ibrahim and his team successfully recovered the debt with their effective strategy.

Case 3 successful debt resolution within only 7 days

Debt Amount: 4780 USD
Age: 9 months

The creditor struggled for almost nine months to receive payment from the debtor, who consistently ignored messages and made empty promises to pay. Then the creditor found Ibrahim on Expert Planet for debt collection help.

After receiving the creditor’s consult, Ibrahim immediately made a simple investigation of this debtor and found the debtor was a personal company (not a private or limited company), and that it operated in a relatively obscure region in Turkey with limited commercial activity.

Ibrahim contracted with the creditor on Expert Planet Platform when the creditor agreed to his quotation. After contracting on May 27th, Ibrahim wasted no time in contacting the debtor. Through negotiation, he secured a commitment from the debtor to settle the entire debt by May 31st. To safeguard the process, Ibrahim advised the creditor to refrain from further communication with the debtor, minimizing the potential for interference in the payment process.

Fortunately, on May 31st, the debtor provided proof of payment via swift transfer. By June 3rd, the creditor received the full amount owed. Ibrahim’s efficient handling of the case led to the successful resolution of the debt in just seven days, showcasing his remarkable effectiveness and professionalism.

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